I personally did not focus on my spiral much during my practicum intentionally, but I did work on it without even thinking about it.

During my second practicum, I had done a Romeo and Juliet unit. I had really enjoyed teaching this unit and my students had often been engaged with the content. I won’t say that they had been engaged all day every day, because realistically that’s not a thing that happens. There are often a couple of students who may not be engaged with the content or be interested and that is okay.

One thing that I had really focused on this practicum had been getting students talking and working with one another. One thing that is a big focus for me is classroom community. Walking into my practicum classes, I could tell that my CT (coaching teacher) had really focused on this and I could see how it had impacted his classes. I had also talked to a couple of other teachers in the school and classroom community and relationship building seems to be a major focus within the school. I had LOVED this about the school and it felt very different than the first school I had been at.