My mom had the biggest influence on my education and had been my biggest supporter.

Growing up, my mom had been incredibly involved in my education and at my school. She had been the parent that had made me read every night (there was no lying on those reading sheets), helped me with my spelling (that continues to not be fantastic, but we now have autocorrect), and had worked on math problems until we both had been confused and fighting over it. She had even gone as far as to pull me out of school to do online school when I hadn’t been doing as well as I could have. This had lasted a year and a half and had been a bigger dumpster fire then actually being in school. She should have just let me fail Math 9.

She had helped out at my elementary school mornings that she didn’t work, she was on almost every field trip (she was voluntold to do most of those by me though, definitely), and had helped out with the Dry Grad events that I hadn’t even been involved in. She had encouraged both me and my friends to do well, and had been there every step of the way, even when she had more things going on in her own life then I could imagine.

During my first two practicum, she had been my biggest supporter. She had been the person that I had gone to with assignment ideas and when I had problems that I wasn’t really sure how to deal with. She sent me SO much supplies for my practicum that I barley knew what to do with it all. She had also been the person to find my favourite activity that I have run so far with my classes (a Romeo and Juliet murder mystery game).

On June 11th, 2024, I had found out that my mom had passed away.

This day completely has changed my life forever. I had not only lost my mom, but also my best friend and biggest supporter. She had been the person always in my corner.

She has been the person that I had gone to for so many different things and I have no idea what I’ll do without her.

Going forward, as I work on finishing my degree and starting my teaching career, I will always remember her as my best friend, and my first and biggest supporter.