So that title had been the name of one of my courses, and I feel like that’s not even the entire name to the course because no one could ever remember the full title until the end of the course (it was only a 6 week course though).

Over the course of this class we had gone on several different field trips to different places all over Prince George.

All of these trips had been things that we would be use in the classroom and had been set up either our teacher or other people in the course.

This course has been very challenging for me personally due to my current situation. I’ve had a fairly low motivation since June and having “large” activities multiple days a week can be very challenging for me. My energy has been at an all time low and this has really affected how I have been in class and my overall mood. The heat this summer was also not something I had LOVED and definitely did not help me overall.

One of my personal goals for this summer semester had been to try and get as much out of every activity I could and to try and be positive throughout the activity or class, even on days when I wasn’t feeling up to it or was struggling. I did end up pushing myself a bit too far one day, but overall I do think that I had been able to achieve these goals within the course.

In the course, there had been two field trips that had really stuck out to me. They had been the day we had done wheelchair basketball and the day we had gone to Theatre Northwest.

I remember the day that we had done wheelchair because it had been a really good day mentally for me. This had been about halfway through the semester, maybe a little bit more, and I was struggling with work, struggling with school, and it had been my mom’s birthday coming up early the next week, and for whatever reason this had been a good day.

Just because I had a good day is not to say that I was good at wheelchair basketball. I was terrible. Like actually terrible. I have this massive fear of falling and the chair tips backwards slight if you sit back and it scared the crap out of me every time.

I do feel like by the end of it I was slightly better then when I had started, but that’s not really saying much.

Theatre Northwest had also stuck out to me because it was the next week. It was after I had again really struggled for a couple of days (my mom’s birthday had been the Monday and we had done this field trip the Wednesday) and I hadn’t been having a very good morning prior to the trip. I had been in a really negative headspace and was not myself.

This had been a really good trip for me due to how engaging the activities had been. The person leading us had shown us a bunch of different improv games and we had done all of them. These games had made me focus on them and not on my current situation which really allowed me to have a good morning.

I am overall unsure about how much I was able to take out of the class and how much would be applicable to me when the program ends due to me leaving to a different city (we love Langley, BC on this blog), but I think that these couple of trips had been a positive experience for me during a difficult time in my life.